

we help make ideas happen

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Keep your business operational throughout COVID-19 outbreaks.
Easily identify and isolate only those at risk, enabling your business to remain open and operational.

End-to-end go-to-market definition and execution, including
Platform/Product positioning, narrative and storytelling, strategic partnerships and business/channel development.


Pay less for your car. Pacecar works to save you money on your
loan, insurance, and repair costs.

Assisted the investors and founders to validate and improve
product market fit. Performed A/B testing around positioning,
product and pricing to uncover key business drivers.


Inevitably, a parking ticket is waiting for
you. So ParkYo provides detailed information
about restrictions for specific parking spots.
It automatically notifies you to move the car
when the time expires or street-sweeping

Ideation and development of the concept,
prototyping of the app and getting the
service to market.



Here is Waldo

There is an increasing demand to immediately identify people
and places of interest along with related and relevant data
“on the spot”.

Ideation and development of the concept, user experience
and use cases definition.



bit trap

Drastically limiting the damage caused by undetected
cyber attacks. BitTrap is an intrusion detection system that
provides immediate and 100% accurate alarms without
compromising endpoints performance.

Value Proposition definition, Product Roadmap and
Marketing Plan development and execution.

app bittrap


united nations united nations

United Nations / Grandata:

Interactive Platform sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme and Grandata. Analyzed the evolution of COVID-19 cases in a timeline and correlated the effects of the increase or reduction of citizens' mobility.

Worked with Grandata to establish the unique Value Proposition and Minimum Viable Product (MVP), addressing the needs from the United Nations and other governments in Latin America interested in the platform.

app bittrap
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